Class Clips
Welcome to the "CLASS CLIPS" link. The following excerpts are taken from the 1960-61 The Aegis. Articles will be added, coinciding with the publication dates during our senior year. We hope these articles will bring back pleasant memories as you read through them.
Posted 06/01/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 5/25/1961, Vol. 64, No. 25 edition of The Aegis:
The Rev. Elwood Wiley to Give Sermon, Choir to Sing at 25th Annual Vesper Service June 4
The Rev. Elwood Wiley will deliver the sermon when seniors convene for the 25th annual vesper services at Wesley Methodist Church, June 4, at 4 p.m. Parents, friends and faculty are invited to attend the services. Rev. Wiley has selected for his message the topic, "Exams are Never Over." Rev. Wiley is currently minister of the First Baptist Church. Miss Louise Lange will play the organ prelude prior to the processional of the class into the sanctuary. Following the call to worhip by Rev. John Hudeshel, Associate Minister of the Second Presbyterian Church, the singing of, "Oh Worship the King, and the invocation, the high school A Cappella will sing, "Blessing, Glory and Wisdom." The reading of the scripture and another hymn, "Now in the Days of Youth," will precede Rev. Wiley's message. A Cappella's singing of, "O God of Grace and God of Glory," and the benediction will precede the class recession. The senior class will assemble at the church at 3:30 p.m. to organize the processional.
Posted 05/24/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 5/25/1961, Vol. 64, No. 25 edition of The Aegis:
The Rev. Harold R. Martin to Address Seniors During Commencement Program in Auditorium
The Rev. Harold R. Martin, Minister of the Second Presbyterian Church, will deliver the commencement address to the Class of '61 June 6. Commencement services will begin at 8 p.m. in the auditorium. Rev. Martin's address will be entitled "Tomorrow is Today." Seniors will open the program with a procession to "March of the Brave," played by the high school band. Edward T. Harn will direct. After the singing of the national anthem, Rev. Ben Krahn, Chaplain of Mennonite Hospital, will give the invocation. A senior boys' ensemble will then sing, "Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones," arranged by Robert W. Gibb, and "Climbin' Up the Mountain," arranged by Smith. The 15 boys in the ensemble will include Harold Burgess, Ike Walker, Jim Chestney, Jim Cole, Kenneth Epple, Kent Gummerman, Paul Tepper and Bob Shipp. Others in the musical organization are Bill Brown, Bill Robb, Jack Secord, Steve Short, Bob Kommers, Jeff Leben and Albert Carnine. Following Rev. Martin's address, Carolyn Clark, will play a piano solo, "Romance," by Sibelius. Bob Alikonis, President of the Senior Class, will deliver a message from the graduating class before Principal, G. Elwood Wheeler, presents the class to George N. Wells, Superintendent of Schools. Following a brief statement by Mr. Wells, Ms. Arthur W. Tompkins, President of the Board of Education, will award diplomas to the seniors. After the Rev. Krahn pronounces the benediction, graduates will recess to "Pomp and Circumstance," by Elgar.
Posted 05/15/2013: The following excerpts appeared in The Aegis Literary Supplement, Spring Issue - 1961. (There was no newspaper published beetween May 12 and May 25, 1961.)
Beauty Destroys
From where did the unexpectedness of the flash come? As I stand high on the hill, the earth seems to lose all its form. The red flames blind my vision as if disaster is rapidly approaching. The green forest which lies before me is now steadily vanishing. The red flames tear into each branch and root as though nature has given a command. Animals flee with a look of terror and agony, only stopping instantaneously to collect their young ones. As the flames rise higher, the heavens become a horizon of white smoke. How mournful it leaves me to see God's land destroyed and his creatures left homeless. The once abundant supply of natural resources is now gone. Now, as I approach the bottom of the hill, only the quietness remains to be heard and nothing remains to be seen. - Dixie Stein - '61
Posted 05/09/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 5/11/1961, Vol. 64, No. 24 edition of The Aegis:
Seniors to Picnic in Pekin City Park
Seniors will board busses at 8 a.m., May 18, for their trip to Pekin and their "day in the sun." The class will spend the day at Mineral Springs Park. Activities for the day will include golf, tennis, volleyball, baseball, card games, boating, sun bathing and eating. At the end of their crowded "holiday," the seniors will return to school, arriving at about 3:30 p.m. Two committees are making most of the plans for the day. General arrangements for the picnic are in the hands of Karen Beich, David Lehr, Bill Mullins, Pat Taylor, Ron Price, Marjorie Hazelwood and Jim Chestney. Frances Eisenhower, Ronald Wells, Dixie Stein, Donna Marquardt, Carolyn Carey, Dave Ringler and Diana Hehman are other members of the committee working under the direction of Russell Roberts and Eldon Volk. Co-chairmen Tom Carr and Dorothy Convis, with the help of Diane Baker, Martin Faggetti, Connie Neil, Dan Ferguson, Don Devine, Sharon Mishler and advisers Clifford Drew and Ellis Harter are planning the day's program of events.
Posted 05/02/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 5/04/1961, Vol. 64, No. 23 edition of The Aegis:
Golfers Beat Decatur, Trinity; Stay Unbeaten
Coach James Bowers and his golfers pulled their sixth straight win out of the bag Monday when they clubbed Trinity, 9-6. Taking medalist honors for the Raider team was Jim Shirk, who shot a one over par 71. Saturday, Purple and Gold golfers overpowered Decatur, 12-3, to set themselves up for their sixth straight win. Rusty Wells was a medalist at Decatur with a four over par 75.
Posted 04/26/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 4/27/1961, Vol. 64, No. 22 edition of The Aegis:
Raider Sports Teams Finish Three Day Action with Winning Margin
Raider teams wound up first of the week action with four wins in seven contests. Monday, golfers downed Pekin, 11-4, with Ron Wells shooting even par, while the netters dropped their initial match of the season to Pekin, 7-2. In Tuesday's competition on home grounds, Raider baseballers lost a 6-3 game to Trinity with Jim Anderson taking the loss. The track team ripped U High, 78-44, with Dave Bandeko running an impressive :15.8 low hurdle race. Wednesday, the baseball team blasted Normal, 9-0, golfers slapped U High, 14 1/2 - 1/2, and the tennis team was blanked by Peoria Woodruff, 7-0.
Posted 04/17/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 4/20/1961, Vol. 64, No. 21 edition of The Aegis:
National Honor Society Alumni Induct 30 Seniors at Ceremony
The most outstanding scholastic honor presented at Bloomington High School befell 30 seniors April 13 at 8 p.m. G. Elwood Wheeler, principal, conducted the program, which was attended by the initiates, their parents and members of the faculty. The society members, who must be in the upper 15 per cent of their graduating class, were presented to their classmates at an all-school assembly Friday. These students were initiated into Chapter 2031 of the National Honor Society. Those pupils honored at the assembly were: Mathew Adams, Sandra Alexander, Richard Baxa, Albert Carnine, Carolyn Clark, Steven Davis, Ronna Durbin, Frances Eisenhauer, Marcia Garmer, Rober Gielow, Kent Gummerman, Clay Haney, Margie Hazelwood, Robert Helweg, Violet Hochhalter, David Hoeft, Jerry Holman,Carl Jaske, Robert Kommers, Jeffrey Leben, Arthur McNutt, Kelene Neer, Sue Norton, Fred Prillaman, William Riley, Nancy Rodgers, Virginia Schneider, Steven Short, Susan Vanice and Phyllis Wolff complete the list. Carol King, a transfer student from Aurora, was also presented at the assembly. She was received into the society during her junior year.
Posted 04/03/2013: The following excerpts appeared in The Aegis Literary Supplement, Spring Issue - 1961: (There was no newspaper published between March 31 and April 19, 1961.)
This School is Yours
This school is yours, To love and enjoy, Or else it's yours, To hate and destroy.
Laugh and sing, And know one another, Or grumble and gripe, And despise each other.
Treasure each moment, And come to learn, Or throw away, Your change to learn.
This school is yours, You've a choice to make, Make it wisely, Which course will you take? - Sharon Mishler '61
Posted 03/27/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 3/30/1961, Vol. 64, No. 20 edition of The Aegis:
Students Take Over City Posts
Fifty-six students from Bloomington High School and Trinity High School took part in a Student City Government Day March 23 at the city hall. The event was one of many youth programs sponsored by Mayor Bob McGraw. The program began at 9 a.m. in the City Council chambers when all the students and city officials gathered to hear Mayor McGraw's opening remarks. He then introduced all the city officials. Each official gave a brief description of his duties as that department head. Student Mayor Bob Kommers and student Councilmen Roger Gielow, Sandra Alexander, Bob Hellweg and Dave Ringler were then sworn in by Mayor McGraw. The City Manager appointed the other department heads. At this time the student department heads visited on-the-spot with their respective counterpart for approximately two hours. At noon all student officials and city officials met at the Sinorak Restaurant for lunch. Mayor McGraw presented each student with a certificate, an identification card, a pen, and a notepad to remember the day. The student mayors were presented with engraved gavels also. All persons then returned to the council chambers for mock City Council meetings. The meeting from Bloomington included: Robert Alikonis, Harold Burgess, Kathy Carlington, Albert Carnine, Carolyn Clark, Steve Davis, Ronna Durbin, Ken Epple, Dan Ferguson, Kent Gummerman, John Haughawout, Carl Jaske, Jeff Leben, Arthur McNutt, Jack Secord, Steve Short and Rusty Wells.
Posted 03/20/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 3/23/1961, Vol. 64, No. 19 edition of The Aegis:
Businessmen Elect Linda Stein as Recipient of Student Award
Senior Linda Stein made history March 15, when she received the first Outstanding Distributive Education Student Award presented in Illinois. This event highlighted the annual distributive education office occupations employee-employer banquet. Ed LaBounty, Chairman of the Distributive Education Council, presented the plaque to Linda, who is employed at Roland's Department Store. The selection of the outstanding D.E. student is based upon several qualifications: 1. The student-learner shall have a grade average of no lower than "C" in his/her high school record; 2. He/she shall have a grade average of "B" or above in the distributive education program; 3. The student-learner shall be of outstanding personal character in all of his/her classes and at his/her training station; 4. He/she shall have the recommendation of his/her employer who is engaged in a distributive occupation. The employer will vouch for his/her high quality of work and future potential; 5. He/she shall have shown evidence of his/her service to his/her school and community; 7. The student learner shall write an autobiography for the committee. Such dignified guests as Senator David Davis, Mayor Robert McGraw, Mrs. Dorothea Thompkins, and Superintendent Ralph Arends attended the meeting at which John L. Johnson, director at the University of Illinois Placement Department, spoke.
Posted 03/13/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 3/16/1961, Vol. 64, No. 18 edition of The Aegis:
Nebbishes Grab Volleyball Title
The Nebbishes, captained by Diane Baker, have captured the title in the girls' intramural volleyball palyoffs. Sandra Martin's Goldies finished second. The Nebbishes had finished second to Rae Ann Erickson's PDQ's in regular League I play. The Who's Its had finished first, ahead of the Goldies in regular League II play. The Tournament ran for 11 weeks, beginning January 10. Fifteen teams competed in the two leagues. At the close of the round robin play, the top two teams in each league played in the championship playoffs. Other girls on the championship squad included: Margaret Fox, Susan Vannice, Sharon Mishler, Carolyn Carey, Wanda Carver, Donna Marquardt, Cathy Carlington and Karen Myrick.
Posted 03/05/2013: The following excerpts appeared in The Aegis Literary Supplement, Spring Issue - 1961: (There was no newspaper published between March 3 and March 15, 1961.)
The Portrait
As I sit at the desk in my room resting, I lift my head and see those beautiful eyes that glitter like stars as they open wide. Her eyebrows arch in a thin black line. Her skin is clear as crystal and her cheeks have a natural red glow. Her lips are painted red as a rose and she has a smile that makes her glow. The coal black hair is done in a twist on top of her head and in the middle is a red bow that sparkles and shines and makes her glow. The coal black looks as if there are diamonds in her hair. Her bangs fall on her forehead as straight as can be and makes her look as if she were only three. She is wearing a red silk dress that is edged in gold. In her small hand she holds a blue fan with white symbols to match her soft white skin. She stands on a round blue base - a china doll with a swival head. - Wanda Carver '61
Posted 02/27/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 3/02/1961, Vol. 64, No. 17 edition of The Aegis:
Wrestling Squad Closes Books on Another Successful Season
The Raider wrestling squad's only representative at the state meet at the University of Illinois, Dan Ferguson, was defeated in the opening round of the tournament Friday, and therefore was not able to advance any farther. Ferguson had gained the state berth as a result of his capturing an individual title at the sectional at Normal. The Purplemen of Coach James Bowers finished the wrestling season with a dual meet record of 7-5-1, performed creditably in such tournaments at the University High meet (11th), the Big 12 Conference meet (4th), the district (4th), and the sectional (5th). None of the Raider grapplers were able to win individual titles in the U High meet, but in the district meet at Champaign, Ferguson and Don Devine won championships. The seven lettermen on the squad, seniors: Devine, Ferguson and Bill Mullins, and juniors: Larry Tallon, Jay Hilton, Steve Walker and Bryan Olafson were responsible for much of the squad's success this year, but Bill Marquardt and Henry Schlenker also performed with excellence in their matches.
Posted 02/20/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 2/23/1961, Vol. 64, No. 16 edition of The Aegis:
Six Swimmers Prep for Action in State Tourney; Grab District
Coach Libero Bertagnolli and six Raider swimmers will travel to New Trier High School Friday and Saturday to compete in the State Meet at Winnetka, Illinois. The first and second place finishers of all individual and relay events in the five district meets that took place throughout Illinois last weekend will compete in the tournament. Tom Chambers will swim in the 400 yard freestyle and the 200 yard individual medley in the state meet. Chambers finished first in the district meet in those events with automatic record times of 4:47.5 and 2:22.4, respectively. Fred Prillaman added to his list of victories the 50 yard freestyle with a record time of :23.7. Jack Secord had little trouble in the 100 yard breaststroke winning with a mark of 1:08.7. The Raiders' 200 yard freestlye relay team of Prillaman, Jim Sloan, Martin Faggetti and Roger Gielow finished first with a 1:40.5 clocking, two seconds off their Big 12 mark. Faggetti and Gielow won second place titles in the 100 yard freestyle and the 100 yard butterfly, respectively, to also qualify for state meet competition. The four finishers in the district meet were: Bloomington, 79; Champaign, 39: Richwoods, 35; and Danville, 32.
Posted 02/14/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 2/16/1961, Vol. 64, No. 15 edition of The Aegis:
Paper Takes Name From Greek Term
When the initial issue of the first volume of the Bloomington High School Aegis was published January 1, 1897, it was a monthly magazine. A Greek work, Aegis means "shield" or "guardian of the interests of the school." The Aegis continued as a magazine until 1911. In that year it first appeared as an annual. It appeared as a yearbook until 1933. In 1935 a small paper backed pictorial was printed and entitled simply "yearbook." The "Purple and Gold Pictorial" was the name given to the yearbook published in 1936 . Because the newspaper had taken the name "Aegis" when it first appeared in 1934, the yearbook returned to a similar name in 1942. It was called "Aepix." The name was taken from two words: a-e from Aegis and p-i-x from pictures.
Posted 02/06/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 2/09/1961, Vol. 64, No. 14 edition of The Aegis:
High Grades Place 118 Students on Second Quarter Honor Roll
The names of 118 students appear on the second nine weeks scholastic honor roll. Forty seniors, 38 juniors, and 40 sophomores earned an "A" or "B" grade in each of their subjects to gain a place on the roll. Seniors on the list include: Matthew Adams, Sandra Alexander, Robert Alikonis, Andrew Backlund, Richard Baxa, Sharon Brown, Ann Burr, Carolyn Carey, Albert Carnine, Carolyn Sue Clark, Stephen Davs, Ronna Durbin, Frances Eisenhauer, Kenneth Epple, Michael Evans, Margaret Fox, Marcia Garmer, Roger Gielow, Kent Gummerman, Diane Harn, Margie Hazelwood, Robert Hellweg, Violet Hochhalter, David Hoeft, Carl Jaske, Sandra Jones, Carole King, Robert Kommers, Jeffrey Leben, Edward Lukes, Arthur McNutt, William Mullins, Sue Norton, Fred Prillaman, Bill Riley, David Ringler, Susan Rowe, Jack Secord, Gene Wade and Phyllis Wolff.
Posted 01/31/2013: The following excerpts appeared in The Aegis Literary Supplement, Spring Issue - 1961: (There was no newspaper published between Jan. 26 and Feb. 9, 1961.)
High School Days
Our high school days are slipping past,
But our friends and memories will always last.
Graduation will soon be past,
And then to start our new exciting tasks.
I know we shall never forget those wonderful days,
Getting to plan dances, games and plays.
Even though the teachers, books, and classmates are just a passing phase,
I know BHS will remain glorious in all her ways. - Ed Lukes '61
Posted 01/23/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 1/26/1961, Vol. 64, No. 13 edition of The Aegis:
'Our Town' by Thornton Wilder Keeps Senior Dramatists Busy
The cast of the annual senior play, "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder, has been named, and the seniors are rehearsing daily for the production which is scheduled for February 23 and 25 appearances. Robert Wilson selected the cast and is directing the play. Students named to the cast and the parts they play include: John Haughawout, Dr. Gibbs; Jon Johnson, Howie Newsome; Pete Selvin, Joe Crowell; Sandra Jones, Mrs. Gibbs; and Joyce Martishius, Mrs. Webb. Others in the cast are: Mike Foret, George Gibbs; Sharon Mishler, Rebecca Gibbs; Bob Helweg, Wally Webb; Patsy Whitecotton, Emily Webb: Bob Alikonis, Professor Willard; Jim Tischler, Mr. Webb; Mickey Hamilton, Simon Stimson; Diane Baker, Mrs. Soames; David Ringler, Constable Warren; Pete Selvin, Si Crowell; Tom Murray, Sam Craig; Bob Kommers, Joe Stoddard; Tom Carr, man in the balcony; Karen Beich, lady in the auditorium; Bob Kommers, man in the auditorium; Ike Walker and Roy Willan, assistant stage managers, conclude the list of cast members.
Posted 01/17/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 1/19/1961, Vol. 64, No. 12 edition of The Aegis:
Students, Faculty to View Kennedy Inauguration
In an assembly Friday (January 20), students and faculty will view the telecast of the presidential inauguration of John F. Kennedy. The assembly will begin after second hour classes and take place in the auditorium. The audience will see Mr. Kennedy take the oath of office and hear the new president's inaugural address. American history teachers will decide whether they would like for their classes to view additional parts of the program.
Posted 01/09/2013: The following excerpts appeared in the 1/12/1961, Vol. 64, No. 11 edition of The Aegis:
Seven Committees Start Plans for Year's Initial School Party
Seniors under the direction of adviser Eldon Volk will sponsor the first all-school party of the year January 21. The party, which will last from 8-11 p.m., will feature a "Western Roundup" theme. Seven committees are making preparations for the party. TICKETS and admission: Judy Miller, chairman; Tom Chambers, Carol MacDowell, Karen Myrick, Ed Morse, Joyce Martishius, Ann Bohrer, Roy Willan, Gloria Carter, Nancy Collier, Jim Cole, Sandra Jones and Carol Keeran. CONCESSIONS: Sandra Alexander, chairman; Pete Shull, Bill Marquardt, Kelene Neer, Virginia Schneider, Carolyn Clark, Paul Miller, Carol King, Bonnie Belford and Anna Burris. GAMES: David Hoeft, chairman; Steve Fry, Arthur McNutt, Yvonne Johannes, Ka Lin Kettwich, Dorothy Convis and Karen Beich. VOLLEYBALL: Tom Ogan, chairman; Paul Tepper, Cathy Christiana, Gene Lorch, Ilene Allison, Steve Abbott, Dorothy Convis and Tom Carr. SPECIAL ATTRACTION: Jeff Leben, chairman; Ed Lukes and Bob Kommers. DECORATIONS: Ike Walker and Ken Epple, chairmen; Nikki Schnabel, Nancy Melton, Donna Marquardt, Jim Lovell, Sharon Mishler, Tom Murray, Terry Moffitt, Connie Neil, Mike Moffitt, Susan Rowe, Nancy Rodgers, Sharon Sanders, Bud Dilley, Judy Sears, Carol Walker, Connie Swearingen, Vera Taminger, Dick Tossi, Ron Price, Bill Rader and Trudy Brueggeman.
The following appeared as an advertisement:
I like fast girls
And I like fast cars
But the things that go fastest
Are "Bike" Candy Bars.
Posted 12/17/2012: The following excerpts appeared in the 12/23/1960, Vol. 64, No. 10 edition of The Aegis:
The Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree standing in the corner of the silent room reflected many of the symbols of Christmas. The long needles of the pine that had been flocked with snow white flakes gave a feeling of peace. The many brightly colored balls hanging from the branches and bubbling water in the candle ornaments indicated the jubilance and gaiety assumed by everyone. The peak of the pine towered to the ceiling where it was crowned with a star glowing in semidarkness. The brilliance of the light brought to mind the guiding star which led to the greatest of all gifts - the Christ Child. Many presents had been carefully placed under the tree. They represnted the spirit of giving and the fellowship everyone had at Christmas time. All of these symbols together represented a true picture of Christmas.
Carolyn Clark, '61
Posted 12/05/2012: The following excerpts appeared in the 12/08/1960, Vol. 64, No. 9 edition of The Aegis:
It's a Matter of Pride!
It seems Los Angeles isn't the only place with a smog problem. Many of the students at school have complained of a similar situation right here. Although the wisps of smoke coming from the restrooms cause only a temporary annoyance to the passers-by they envelop, they are a serious threat to the health of the school. A healthy school means healthy students not only in body but in habits as well. Not only is smoking a physical threat to students, but it is a direct disobedience of school policy. Some action has already been taken to halt this type of activity in our school. Members of the faculty and several students interested in improving Bloomington High School have been patroling the restrooms. The administration requests that students discontinue these unwholesome activities, not because of fear of what might happen to them if they are caught, but because they should have enough pride in their school and themselves to do what is best for both.
Students Answer Dating Query
Since the most important thing on the students' minds (besides homework, of course) seems to be the opposite sex, the question, "Why do you like to date?" was answered in many different fashions. Ginny Schneider, senior: It's a free movie. Connie Swearingen, senior: Because you can't keep rice krispies in the refrigerator. (WHAT??) Lyn Dossett, senior: Because I like going out with all the boys. Penny Houser, senior: I don't! Tommy Jackson, senior: To have a good time! Ronnie Price, senior: I don't! Rae Ann Erickson, senior: It's better than going out with the girls.
Posted 11/20/2012: The following excerpts appeared in the 11/23/1960, Vol. 64, No. 8 edition of The Aegis:
Students, Teachers Express Opinions About Meaning of Thanksgiving Season
Now that Thanksgiving, a special American holiday is here again, a number of students and teachers have volunteered answers to the question, "What does Thanksgiving mean to you?" Karen Myrick, senior: I can go home and see all my old friends. Donald Heldt, teacher: A day laid aside for all Americans to give thanks for all of their blessings. Ron Melton, senior: Getting together with your family and a turkey. Carroll Wood, teacher: A time when we count our blessings. I think "Thanksgiving" should take place every day. David Ringler, senior: It's a time when the college girls come home. Barbara Smith, senior: It's a time when the college boys come home. Miss Eileen Flinspach, teacher: To me it is a time to give thanks for all the good things we have had during the year. Tom Ogan, senior: It means food, food, and more food. Irving Aikin, teacher: It is a day to give thanks for everything I have. It's a day of rest, too.
Posted 11/14/2012: The following excerpts appeared in the 11/17/1960, Vol. 64, No.7 edition of The Aegis:
Superior Conference Showing Highlights Raider Grid Season
After a slow start, the 1960 Raider gridders surged back to one of the finest records in recent years. The Purplemen closed the season with five wins, two losses, and two ties. Coach Bloice Bess' gridders were hampered by injuries in the initial stages of the season, but adjusted to their losses and went undefeated in their last five games. In the final game of the season, the gridders cinched a share of second place in the Big 12 Conference with an inspired 6-0 victory. Tom Jackson scored for the Purple and Gold late in the final period. The team's 4-1 record in Big 12 Conference play was the best for a Raider squad in 16 years. In 1944 the Raiders had an identical 4-1 showing. The Purplemen also placed second in the Intercity Conference. Lost to next year's team by graduation are ends Jack Secord, Jack White, Gary Woith, Ken Epple and Richard Gapen. Senior interior linemen are Loren Brewer, Leonard Hendricks, Fred Prillaman, Ron Wells, Dan Ferguson, Jim Chestney, Carl Jaske, Tom Ogan and Roger Carson. Graduating backs are Mike Evans, Tom Jackson, Bert Popejoy, Tom Murray and Ed Lukes. Mike Evans and Fred Prillaman served as co-captains of the squad.
Posted 11/07/2012: The following excerpts appeared in the 11/10/1960, Vol. 64, No. 6 edition of The Aegis:
Homeroom Delegates, Class Officers Choose Senior Announcements
A special committee met Wednesday to select senior announcements. The committee, named by class officers to represent each senior homeroom, chose the announcements from samples shown by several companies. The announcement committee included Ilene Allison, Tom Carr, Cathy Christiana, Nancy Genders and Kent Gummerman. Mary Ireland, Sandra Jones, Arthur McNutt, Sharon Mishler and Bill Rader also helped in the selection. Completing the list were Virginia Schneider, Steve Short, Connie Swearingen and Roy Willan. Officers of the senior class working with the committee were Ken Epple, vice president; Susan Norton, secretary; and Judy Ruysbroek, treasurer.
Fox, Beich Win Tennis Title
Margaret Fox and Karen Beich won the championship in the senior girls' doubles tennis tourney completed October 28. The winners defeated Karen Myrick and Rae Ann Erickson for the class title. Other teams competing in the tournament included Connie Neil and Gene Wade, Ann Bohrer and Ann Burr, Elizabeth Owen and Diane Hehman, Diane Baker and Carolyn Carey.
Posted 10/25/2012: The following excerpts appeared in the 10/27/1960, Vol. 64, No. 5 edition of The Aegis:
Homecoming Events End with Dance; Royalty Reigns Over Annual Festivities
The 39th annual homecoming came to an end at 12 p.m. Saturday as students and faculty finished dancing to the music of Dale Hamilton. Penny Houser was crowned queen of the 1960 homecoming by Fred Prillaman at the homecoming assembly October 20. Harold Burgess (Student Council President) acted as master of ceremonies. Judy Miller as Coach Bessinolli and several senior girls took part in a humorous skit. Members of the "Raider Squad" were Ginny Schneider, manager, Dorothy Convis, Cathy Christiana, Ray Ann Erickson and Ka Kettwick. Ilene Allison, Margaret Fox, Susan Vannice, Dixie Stein, Nancy Melton and Sandra Alexander completed the Raider eleven. The skit came to a close with students singing the cheer song led by "cheerleaders" Jack Secord, Gary Woith and Loren Brewer. The Student Council committee chairmen who directed the 1960 homecoming were: Bob Kommers, parade; Steve Davis, alumni; John Haughawout, game; Margaret Fox, assembly; Judith Pointer, queen; Carolyn Carey, dance decorations; and Kathy Carlington, dance arrangements. Harold Burgess acted as coordinator for the week's activities.
Posted 10/18/2012: The following excerpts appeared in the 10/20/1960, Vol. 64, No. 4 edition of The Aegis:
Assembly Opens 39th Homecoming Celebration
Football co-captains Mike Evans and Fred Prillaman crowned Penny Houser queen of the 39th annual homecoming during an assembly Thursday. Four attendants (Lynn Dossett, Sharon Foster, Elizabeth Owen and Judy Ruysbroek) preceded the queen's presentation to the students and faculty at the first major event of the big weekend. A novelty addition was made to the traditional homecoming assembly when "Before the Game", a skit using girls as football players and football players as cheerleaders, was enacted to amuse the audience.
Posted 10/11/2012: The following excerpts appeared in the 10/13/1960, Vol. 64, No. 3 edition of The Aegis:
Student Council Finishes Homecoming Week Plan
Introduction of the 1960 homecoming court at a kick-off assembly in the auditorium Monday at 8:25 a.m. will officially open the 39th annual homecoming session. Another highlight of homecoming week is the parade, this year called "Record Review". The floats entered in the parade will depart from the school parking lot at 2:30 p.m. October 21 and, after following a prearranged rout through downtown Bloomington, return to the school. The Raiders will face Danville on the gridiron October 21 at 7:30 p.m. on Fred Carlton Field. During half-time ceremonies, the queen and her court and the winning floats from the parade will be presented.
Posted 10/03/2012: The following excerpts appeared in the 10/06/1960, Vol. 64, No. 2 edition of The Aegis:
Classes Name Alikonis, Shirk, Anderson to Presidential Posts
Students elected Robert Alikonis, James Shirk, and James Anderson to presidential offices in run-off elections Tuesday. First voting by the three classes took place September 29. Robert Alikonis defeated John Haughawout in the race for senior class president. Bob Kommers was also a candidate for the position. Senior voters also named three other winners. Kenneth Epple topped Matt Adams for the office of vice president in a run-off contest after candidates Carol Rhode, Tom Murray, Bert Popejoy, and Carl Jaske had been eliminated earlier. Susan Norton downed Bill Mullins for the office of senior secretary and Judy Ruysbroeck won out over Elizabeth Owens and Mike Foret as class treasuer.
Posted 9/20/2012: The following excerpts appeared in the 9/22/1960, Vol. 64, No. 1 edition of The Aegis:
Football Co-Captains Evans, Prillaman Head Varsity Candidates Seeking Jobs
Co-captains Mike Evans and Fred Prillaman head a list of 46 candidates seeking berths on the 1960 Raider football team. There are 15 lettermen among the candidates. Senior lettermen include Loren Brewer, Jim Chestney, Ken Epple, Mike Evans, Dan Ferguson, Carl Jaske, Eddie Lukes, Tom Ogan, Fred Prillaman, Jack Secord, Ron Wells, Jack White, Gary Woith and Leonard Hendricks. One junior, Bryan Olafson, completes the list of 15 lettermen. Other candidates are Rodger Carson, Richard Gapen, Tom Jackson, Terry Moffitt, Tom Murray, and transfer student Bert Popejoy.