Ike Walker

Profile Updated: September 1, 2023
Residing In: Inverness, FL USA
Spouse/Partner: Linda
Occupation: Retired
Children: Sara born 1968, Becky born 1970

Katie and Alex Radke - Sara's children
Nicholas More…and Nathan Murrell - Becky's children. Great Grandson Ira DeRadke Kurt DeRadke Newest great grandson
Military Service: United States Air Force  

I like bicycle riding, walking, most anything outdoors, reading, playing on the computer.

After I got out of school, I hitchhiked to California with a friend (David Riddle) and came back to Illinois and worked as a mechanic. In 1963 I went into the military. Spent 4 years in US Air Force. Was stationed in Rome, NY for 3 1/2 years and while there I was sent to Vietnam for 10 months. I got out of the service in 1967. Started work as a mechanic and left it for a short time and worked at Caterpillar Tractor and got layed off there and went back to a o at a trucking company in El Paso, IL. Worked there till 1989. Retired from trucking company for medical reasons and worked at Vitesse Cycle Ship. Retired from Cycle Shop in 2002. In 1993, my wife and I and 32 other people did a bicycle trip halfway across the United States, from Maine back to Wisconsin. We were gone for 33 days. It was a great time. We did a lot of weekend trips and week long bicycle trips on our bikes.

In 2002 we sold our home and bought a motorhome and traveled. In 2003 we did work camping at Dollywood in Tennessee. Did that for 6 years in the summer and spent the winters in Florida. We are in Florida full time now. The park we live at is right across the road froma bike trail and we ride it as much as possible. I enjoy the outdoors and I enjoy my retirement.

That is my life and hope to enjoy many more years. Iam still in Florida and riding my bike and enjoying reading about my classmates on this site. I just moved back to Tn, and going to work at Dollywood waterpark for the summer (Splash Country Park ). Plan on staying in TN, for some time. Hope to do some bike riding here also. Have been in Tn now since May and have found some nice places to ride our Bikes. Will do more riding after the season at Wapterpark is over. Ride at least one day a week now. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the class reuion. Still in Sevierville Tn and has been a cold and rainy season. But thank god no snow yet. I just got home from Bloomington IL area. Had a nice vist with family and friends. Have decided since Iam in Tn now Iam going to go back to work at Dollywood. Biking in Tn is nice if you like hills. But we have found some nice places to ride. Don't get to ride as much here because of weather. Want to say I really had a good time at the reunion and it was great seeing everyone. Want to thank everyone who work on it and made it a success. Well I'm going to work at the Dollywood Splash country (water park) this summer and then going to move back to Florida. So i can do more riding.Had cataract eye surgery in March and last one done in May. Everything went well. Can see alot better now. Hope everybody has a great summer. Well another good year has gone by and I'm still in pretty good health and looking forward to moving back to Florida sometime this month. Cann't wait to ride my new bike more. I think we are going to stay in Florida for good this time. Hope everybody had a good year and hope to see you all at next reuion. I just got home from my daughter's Sara Radke house about two weeks ago. I spent all most two months at her house in S.C.. I was playing Nurse and house kenoeper for her and my son-inlaw Brian. Sara was in a bicycle accident on Feb 24th.She broke her Pelvis in two places and had a fracture on her left rotacup. Its was a busy time for them, they where selling their house also. I stayed there till she was able to get around on her own, with out the use of the wheel chair and walker. Sara is doing great now and back to work and have moved into a apt. Till they decide what they are going to do. It was good to get home and get back to riding my bike. Hope everyone is having a good year and is in good health.It has been a good year for me so far. Hope to see everyone at next reunion. Im still in Florida and enjoying the warm weather and Bike riding. Spent the month of May in Tn, SC, IL, and IND. Had a graduation in SC and in IL. Had fun visiting Family and friends. Hope everybody is having a good year.I have had a great summer. It all started in May 2015, I when to SC to my daugther Sara's house to help her get ready to move To Washington State. we left SC the end of May and drove my car and Sara drove her truck to IL for a short visit and that is where I left my car. Then Sara and me and The dog (Cody) started our drive to Washington State. It took us 3 days of driving. Seen alot of beautiful country. I spent a month at Sara's house. Then I flew back to Bloomington IL and Stayed with my daugther Becky and while there I visited with friends and family for almost a month. Left IL in the middle of July and drove to Indiana for a short visit with Cuz of mine. and left IN and drove back to Florida. It was a great trip. Now back in Florida and I think it has rained every day since I have been home.Hope everybody has had a great summer. Hope to see everyone at the next reunion. Well here it the beginning of another new year. Last year was a great year. This winter in Florida has been cooler and rainy. But still have been getting alot of riding in on the warmer days and not rainy. Had a nice Christmas. My lovely wife surprised me with a new bicycle ( trike). I found out. Later. The real reason for the new bicycle. She wanted to start riding my old. Trike. Hope everyone has a great year.It was a good summer, hot and lot of rain. Spent July 4th weekend in Greenville SC at my grndsons wedding. It's is hard to believe my grandkids are that old. my grandson is in medical school in Spartanburg,SC. Alex's new wife is a school teacher. It's been a so so year for riding, Have been caught in rain a few times. But still trying to 4 or 5 days aweek. Hope every one has a great year and a healthy year.last year was a great year for me.I want to thank everyone that help make the 55 reunion a great time for everyone. I really had a great time and it was good to see everyone. This year so far has started out good and hope that everyone has a safe and healthy good year.No big changes this year. I have cut back on my bike riding some. Still 3or4 days a week, just not as many miles, Been having some medical problems with my feet. Weather has not been helping any. Been a lot of rain.Hoping to ride some bike trails in October. Going on vacation to La, Miss, and northern Florida. Hope everyone is having a great year and in good health. Looking forward to the next reunion.Well another year has gone by.Had a good year riding.Hope everyone had safe and good health.Believe me getting old is not all fun and games.I started having balance problems.That was the reason I went to riding the trike.2018 has not started out real well.Making some changes in the trike, to see if it Will help my riding. It did help some but not the answer. I have decided to sell the old trike and get different trike. Sorry for the whining. Hope everyone has a safe and good health.,this year. Hope to see everyone at the next reunion. 2018 has been a good year so far. Still riding in between rainy days, which we have had a lot of rain. The new trike has made riding easier. I'm getting ready to do my birthday ride 75 miles. Looking forward to the next class reunion.Well anotr year has gone by and still enjoying retirement. The weather has been crazy. Lots of rain has made it hard to ride. But it has been good so far. I know its better then snow LOL. Have been getting more time to ride with my wife since she retired. We have almost a 1,000 miles this year so far. We hope to travel more now. Hope everyone has a healthy and great year. Hope to see all at the next reunion. The year so far has been rainy and riding has been in between rains. the best thing that happened this year that my grandson Alex's wife had there first child, a baby boy. my first great grand child. Going to New Mexico to see the baby in Oct. Alex has been in New Mexico, Albuquerque since June. he is doing his intership for a Dr. Hope everyone is having a safe and healthy year. Hope to see everyone at next reunion. We are planning a 3 month this summer. June Judy and August. Going to Albuquerque NM. In June to see my Great Grandson and visit family and ride the bike trails. Then head to southern IL to ride tunnel hill trail with a friend and visit with neice and her husband. From here we will go to visit with family and friends. Ride the trails in B and Normal. Then going to Wisconsin and ride some bike trails. Then on the back home to FL we will go back to Gridley IL for two or three days and head back to Florida. Hope everyone has a safe and good healthy year.

Weii it has been a crazy year as you all know. weather has been crazy also. Linda and I have been riding in between rains strorms. We still have gotten almost 3,400 miles. haven't been doing any traveling because of the covid 19. Hope to be able to do some real soon. Hope everyone safe and in good health. really sorry to hear of the classmates that we have loss this year. Hope year gets straiten out and back to normal. Everyone stay safe and in good health. God bless everyone and your familys. Well looking forward to going to Albuquerque NM to see my great grandson and family. Ride the bike trails in that area. Going to ride some trails on the way to IL and visit family and friends in Bloomingtonl area. May do some other trails on the way back to FL. Hope everyone back home has a good year.Be safe and good health. Well we was gone for2 months this summer. Our trip this summer started May 3. First stop was Hatisburg Ms Rode 2 days there.Second stop Houston Ms.two days there.Next stop Delta stats park, Ar. Got rained out there. Next stop Oklahoma City. Rode 4 days there. from there our next stop was Albuquerque NM. We stayed with my daugther Sara. Visted with family. My Grandson also lives there. Got to see my Great Grandson every day. they live next door to my daugther. we did alot of site seeing and rode a few trails and neighborhood trails. Seen alot of Hot Air Balloon go over my daugthers house. We left NM on July 9th headed for Delt state park AR to ride the trail. nice weather this time. left the next day for Bloomington IL. Got to Bloomington IL on Juiy 12th. was in Bloomington for 12 days. visted family and friends. Rode alot of the trails around Bloomington and Normal IL. Left on the 22nd of July for Southern IL. Got there nigth of the 22nd. Vienea IL. Rode the Tunnel hill trail. Linda met a lady on facebook. Jeanne showed us around and rode the trail with us for 4 days. Beautful aera. We met some of her riding friends. Left on the 26th July for Home. got back in Inverness FL 0n the 28th of July. It was a fun time. Now we had to rest up after all that. LOL. We rode all most 1900 miles on the trip. Hope every one had a great, summer. Be safe and a healthy year. Weii anorther year has gone by. Riding as usual. Weatherhas been crazy. we are planning on going to Albuquernue NM in Oct for balloon festival. And see new great grandson Kurt DeRadke. Everyone have a safe and heathy year. Nothing really any different going on. Still riding when the weather permits.Everyone have save and healthy year. Weii another year has gone by. Back doig most of my regular stuff. Not sure what the plans are for the upcoming summer. we have plans for afew trails to ride. a trip to southern IL and then to Bloomington + Normal. TO vist family. Wanting to go Albuquerque NM to vist family my newest great grand son. Hope everone is having a safe and good healthy. year. Well another start of s cary year. Just survived the first hurricane of the year. riding has been in between rain drops. Hope to get to go to New Mexico for the balloon festavile. Alot going on right now.Everything is good here. Waiting for the weather (Heat ) to cool down. So we can get more riding in.Went to Blooming in JuneAride put on by t wheelers.Hope everyone has had a good and safe yead. Hope to see some of you guys at next Reuion. Have a great and safe year.

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Ike Walker has a birthday today.
Sep 08, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Ike Walker posted a message.
Dec 06, 2023 at 3:31 PM

Happy Birthday Jim.Hope all is going we
Happy birthday Jim. Hope all well for you and your family. Have a awesome Birthday.

Ike Walker has a birthday today. New comment added.
Sep 11, 2023 at 4:45 PM

Posted on: Sep 08, 2023 at 4:33 AM

Ike Walker updated his profile. View.
Sep 01, 2023 at 8:43 AM
Ike Walker posted a message.
Aug 28, 2023 at 10:47 AM

Happy Birthday. Dorothy. Have a great day and year.

Ike Walker posted a message.
May 22, 2023 at 6:24 PM

Happy Birthday Bill. Welcome to the 80s club.

Ike Walker added a comment on his Profile.
Apr 27, 2023 at 1:02 PM
Ike Walker posted a message.
Dec 07, 2022 at 3:00 PM

Happy Birthday Jim. Enjoy your special day.

Ike Walker posted a message.
Sep 30, 2022 at 6:42 PM

I'm doing fine after three different surgerys.Aorta valve. Tw0 Stents in one valve. And a pacemaker. All this was done in March and April. Couldn't ride for 6 weeks. Back riding after that and still riding in between rain drops.so far everything is doing great. Just turned 79. Hope everything is going well for you to. Have a safe and healthy year.

Ike Walker has a birthday today.
Sep 08, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Ike Walker added a comment on his Profile.
Aug 29, 2022 at 12:06 PM
Ike Walker posted a message.
Aug 24, 2022 at 12:47 PM

Happy Birthday Nikki. Enjoy your special day.

Ike Walker added a comment on his Profile.
Aug 24, 2022 at 12:43 PM
Ike Walker added a comment on his Profile.
May 22, 2022 at 8:03 AM
Ike Walker posted a message.
Apr 27, 2022 at 11:42 AM

Happy birthday Ilene. Have a great day.

Ike Walker posted a message.
Mar 05, 2022 at 3:51 PM
Ike Walker has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
Dec 14, 2021 at 11:02 AM

Sorry to hear the loss of Larry. May he rest in peace.may the family have peace of their loss.

Ike Walker has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
Dec 14, 2021 at 11:02 AM

Sorry to hear the loss of Larry. May he rest in peace And may the family that he loved and family And friends that loved Larry Have peace.

Ike Walker added a comment on his Profile.
Dec 04, 2021 at 8:28 AM
Ike Walker posted a message.
Sep 08, 2021 at 6:20 PM

Want to thank everyone for the Birthday putt wishes.

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Posted: Mar 03, 2020 at 5:20 PM
Posted: Feb 04, 2016 at 3:30 PM
Posted: Feb 04, 2016 at 3:10 PM
Posted: Aug 04, 2015 at 2:11 PM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:55 AM
Brian,Grandkids Katie and Alex Radke at Xmas 2009
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:55 AM
Me and my wife LINDA
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:55 AM
Me and LINDA at bike ride in Bloomington IL.This was a 65 Mile ride for us.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:55 AM
Grandkids Nic and Nathan Murrell
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:55 AM
My daugther Sara and Son-Law Brian Radke
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:55 AM
Nathan,Nic John and Becky Murrell(my daugther)