Obit not available
Patsy Whitecotton (Barggren)
I'm sad to hear we have lost another classmate. Gary was in my homeroom and I remember him well. My sympathy goes out to his loved ones.
Sheila Hepworth
My heart goes out to the relatives of Gary. I remember him in school. Always had a big smile.
Edward Lukes
Have lots of fun memories in sports with Gary. Very sincere and considerate. Will miss him!!
Carol Thomas (Montgomery)
I know that this a difficult and sad time for the family. I am so sorry for your loss. From being in the same homeroom he was a great guy.
Sherri Woodburn (Gelder)
Gary and I always seemed to sit in the same section in homeroom (was it alphabetical - I don't remember). He was something of a classroom cutup (at least in that section), silly/funny and friendly. God bless.
Ike Walker
Patsy Whitecotton (Barggren)
I'm sad to hear we have lost another classmate. Gary was in my homeroom and I remember him well. My sympathy goes out to his loved ones.
Sheila Hepworth
My heart goes out to the relatives of Gary. I remember him in school. Always had a big smile.
Edward Lukes
Have lots of fun memories in sports with Gary. Very sincere and considerate. Will miss him!!
Carol Thomas (Montgomery)
I know that this a difficult and sad time for the family. I am so sorry for your loss. From being in the same homeroom he was a great guy.
Sherri Woodburn (Gelder)
Gary and I always seemed to sit in the same section in homeroom (was it alphabetical - I don't remember). He was something of a classroom cutup (at least in that section), silly/funny and friendly. God bless.
Ike Walker
Sorry to hear about Gary, will be missed.I remember Gary in homeroomAnd sports.